Saturday, 12 December 2009


Hm. I was made somewhat bluntly aware today of a considerable paradigm shift in my personality. I am considerably more invested in the state of things, and also more vociferous about it. Or, put another way, I have become an impotently ranting politico.

One wonders if this shift is all for the good, however. I scanned the BBC headlines earlier, and noticed it was surprisingly full of stories of nutjobs killing people, and also the tedium about Tiger Woods and Avatar. I caught myself feeling relieved and thinking 'Thank God that the morons in power haven't done something newsmakingly revolting today'. Concerning, on multiple levels. (And I still found some things to rant about.)

Things I need to blog about:

Hat Time

Dragon Age

Banning of slang

Why I want Avatar to flop


Mr. Happy said...

Every decent human being wants Avatar to flop. It makes Dances with Wolves look reasonable and well-informed.

Medusae said...

HAHAHA! You read my mind!

They were reporting that Avatar might beat out Titanic in 'ungodly earnings for all time (times infinity)', but I think it's stopped shy.

I just want it to fail cause I'm a grumpy piece of work.

I know! Because he's so fucking wonderful, perhaps Cameron should send ALL his profits over to Haiti?
Or even to the United States - they're going to need it.