Thursday, 4 February 2010

Inactive Architecture

Well, it's out there, now, so I finally feel like I can talk again. Been working on a script pitch for Big Finish over the past week, and I've been somewhat zoned in on it to the exclusion of everything else. But it's done now, and sent, and the deadline is past. It's for the Doctor Who audios, and they open up for new writers so incredibly infrequently this is, like the Scout, kind of a big deal. That is an understatement. I can't put down in words here how big a deal it actually is to me. Suffice to say I am being wracked with anticipation.

The first NEW bit of writing I've done since the pitch-madness was the beginning of a serialised fantasy noir story done to spec for my good friend Leprechaun Features. It's a bit of fluff, nothing more. I made a seperate blog for publishing finished fiction, to keep it distinct. You may find it hyar:

I'm not sure if I can post up the pitch I sent to Big Finish, so I'll have to keep it under wraps for the time being. I'm sure you're all heartbroken. Sorry.

And Dollhouse. Oh, Dollhouse. The finale was a big step up on Hollow Men, a very weak story that failed to adequately resolve the Boyd reveal and didn't live up to the title of the eponymous poem. It was still entertaining, but ultimately quite disappointing. Epitaph Two (imaginative naming) was a fair bit better. Without the disappointment before it, it'd have been a high to go out on. (Although emotionally, quite the low.) But because it followed Hollow Men, it's own inadequacies seemed more noticeable. Still, Topher's arc is definitely the absolute highlight of this series, and was devestating, and many other characters got satisfying ends as well. (Alpha's was unexpected and lovely, but where was Dominic?)

After Hollow Men I actually wrote my own ending to the series, and revised it a bit after E2. I'm somewhat saddened that I enjoy my own ending far more than Whedon's, and will never get to see it. Alas. The world will never know the wonder of that ending.

I can't write any more, now. I am once again being wracked by the horror and hope of the BF opportunity. Fairwell.

1 comment:

Mr. Stabby said...

You will fail at everything you succeed in.