Saturday, 18 December 2010

Supernatural Selection

After a friend shoved the discs into my hand with an injunction to watch them, and the reassurances of another that it was worth my time, I finally decided to overcome my skittish wussiness and watch Supernatural. It was good.

That's where my write up would end if Season One was all that existed. It's good. It blends folklore, classic rock and pop humour. But it's not exactly stratospheric. The cast all seem to be in their early twenties and it comes off a bit 'teen'. But, seeing as I had the DVDs in hand, and not much else to do, I went on to Season Two. It was better.

By the end of S2 the 'teen' feeling is gone, with a much wider, more interesting range of characters. The true plot has kicked in and events are clipping along with much more interest. Individual episodes have clever hooks, the humour is funnier, the music rockier, it's all notched up. Except the folklore, which takes a backseat to recurring demons and shapeshifters. That's the only disappointment. I went on to Season Three. It was excellent.

Somewhere around the beginning of S3 the show recieved an infusion of intense creativity. If an episode isn't advancing the central mysteries of the season, it's taking time out to explore superb, often hilarious concepts - many inspired by digging once again into the richness of foklore. The special 'A Very Supernatural Christmas', for example, sees the boys on the trail of what they suspect to be the Krampus, only to find out they've actually been tracking the Pagan Gods of Winter Solstice. The end of S3 was too good to break, and I immediately started S4. It was EVEN BETTER. The long game plot starts to come into focus, and it is good. The concept episodes are even more imaginative. The supporting cast is excellent. I finished it in three days. Now for season 5...


Quazar said...

Hmm. Looks fun so. Maybe I'll microtorrent it...

Medusae said...

You definitely make me feel I'm missing out!