Friday, 15 January 2010

Circling the Center

Would I vote Labour if it might unseat the Tories? Or would I still vote Lib-Dem? Or should I find a completely no-hope periphery party that is actually in-line with what I want instead of propogating this big-three choiceless middle ground? Idealism or practicality? Similarly, I have been touting this idea of pushing for a collapse of the bloated and failing systems of government and administration, so something new can rise out of the ruins. But what does that mean for someone dependent on state healthcare and state finance, like me? Probably a rough ride. So if the cracks began to widen, would I actually throw my weight behind it? Or would I stick to my comfortable niche that propagates the broken system? Uncomfortable that I think I know the answer.

Cameron's government is concerning. Older friends are rumbling about things happening again, but I'm too young to remember the first time, so I only have the 'in theory' to go on. Not sure if I really comprehend what changes might be coming. Like I say, concerning.

Different topic - Loup linked a soundbite of Žižek (pretty much his favourite person at the moment) in which he explains the sort of void in which it becomes hard to think if you analayse too far down into the detail. I am deeply familiar with this void, not just in the case of the sciences, which Žižek is using as his example here, but in pretty much ALL cases. Eventually, everything becomes too blurred.

Upbeat: New Dollhouse tonight. A few hours to go. Something to look forward to. Wondering if Whedon can sell THAT ending.


Mr. Conservativey said...

I always vote Tory. Thatcher was my kind of girl.

Medusae said...

You disgust me, especially since you're lying.