Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Crepuscular Squirrel Sandwich

Tweaked the blog a bit to make it look more polished. Made myself a banner in photoshop just to amuse myself. Good source images of notepads are unexpectedly hard to find, so I took a reference photo myself. Maybe I will upload it to wikisource and rectify the paucity of such images on the internet. Tried to hack the template around a bit and realised my fragmentary grasp of CSS had completely deserted me. Might see about learning it again, but if I'm going to study some code I'd probably be better served finishing up learning C++, before I lose the notes I was taking before Christmas and have to start again. Come to think of it, I don't know if I can even find the resource I was learning from. For the moment, though, I am quite happy to fill my days with reading, writing, and ar- and video games.

A quick review:

Burn After Reading - Coen Brothers' comedy of errors. Not quite so funny the second time around, but still frequently hysterical, especially towards the end. Brad Pitt is the heart of it and Clooney the bread and butter, but no real weak links. Probably the best scenes feature JK Simmon's CIA official trying to make sense out of a series of insignificant events which have been inflated beyond all importance. Not very deep stuff, but pretty funny.

And now, an early night beckons me; I have been up since 1:20 am.

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